ADHD Causes: The Incorrect Assumptions

In every research, of course, there would also be mistakes that would be yielded; and in every research, there would always be differences with results that would somehow make it difficult for the concluding part. In this article, this statement would be proven by the incorrect assumptions about ADHD causes. Since there are different ADHD causes, this article would highlight the ADHD causes that are perceived to be untrue and have been strictly provided to people for safety consideration of ADHD disorder. These causes have been proven to be irrelevant for the development of ADHD and have been strictly informed to people for better understanding of the disorder.

Here are the following mistaken ADHD causes:

  • Diet

It has been studied before that kids may have ADHD disorder due to sensitiveness to different foods. In addition to this, many studies tempted to claim that sugar is one way of making kids hyperactive, which is a sign of ADHD disorder. Unfortunately, there are no researches that proved these studies.

  • Poor Parenting

There are no researches and studies that proved poor parenting have a significant contribution to kids having ADHD. The only thing that poor parenting could have impact on is how parents treat their children with ADHD. It has been studied that children with ADHD needs more attention from parents for better functioning of the brain. In conclusion, poor parenting is just a way of providing betterment for the child not as a cause of ADHD development.

  • Television

There is no connection between kids having ADHD and watching television.

  • Hormones

There are no researches that have proven hormonal functioning has significant role in the ADHD development.

These false ADHD causes are some assumptions and opinions given by researchers or even by ordinary people. But of course, if you want betterment for your kids, preventing false claims such as the above incorrect ADHD causes would better be done.

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