How to Diagnose ADHD

For the most part, the symptoms of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) occur as a child develops. And even adults may have periods of time where they feel unfocused or distracted. It is also very easy to confuse ADHD symptoms with a wide variety of other problems such as learning disabilities and other types of emotional issues. This is why it is important to have a suspected case of ADHD diagnosed by a health care professional.

There is not just one simple physical or medical test that can be used to determine if someone has ADHD. For parents who suspect that their child may have this condition it is important to speak with the child’s physician about their concerns. They will have a checklist of different symptoms and can make sure that the child is not exhibiting symptoms of similar conditions.

In order to diagnose the condition of ADHD a person will display several of the most common symptoms which are classified into three categories: inattention, impulsivity or hyperactivity. One thing the medical professional will look at is how severe the symptoms have become. The true symptoms of ADHD will have a negative influence on the family’s life and typically, those with the condition have trouble in several different areas of their lives. Children have difficulty in the school setting and adults in the workplace, finances and social interactions.

They will also want to know when the symptoms were first noticed. They will typically need to have been consistent for a period of at least 6 months and not just sporadic occurrences to be diagnosed as ADHD. It is also typical that these symptoms are not apparent in only one setting, but in multiple settings if the child or adult has the condition.

There are several symptoms that can be warning signs especially when demands on the person are increased at home, school, or work. They will have difficulty following directions or instructions and usually be extremely disorganized in most areas of their lives. Most of those suffering from ADHD will be fidgety and constantly move their feet and hands around. They will also tend to talk too much especially at inappropriate times and settings.

Most children will adjust to ADHD as they grow into adulthood. But there are many who may have inappropriate behaviors and end up dropping out of school. Typically the symptoms will diminish as the person ages but many times their difficulties will continue to affect their careers. While some feel that a diagnosis seems like just another label it is better thought of as an explanation. A diagnosis can explain why a person has trouble paying attention, listening closely, following instructions or getting organized.

Once a diagnosis is made it will be easier for a person to manage their condition. A plan can be developed which can help the individual cope with and control the symptoms of ADHD and medical professionals can prescribe medications which may be able to help control some of the symptoms.

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